Hi bloggers if I could meet someone famous from the past it would be Sylvia Rivera who was an inciter at the stone wall riot and I don’t know what I would ask her. Have you ever met someone famous?


blog you later 


4 thoughts on “

  1. kia ora Noa I have met (Eloise Blackwell I have been in the same car at the same time),Kendra cocksedge and Portia Woodman they are black Ferns.and Valerie Adams.see ya

    1. Kia ora finlay Thank you for commenting on my blog. It’s really awesome That you’ve met black Ferns have you been to any of the FIFA Women’s World Cup games?
      Blog you later

  2. Fakalofalahiatu Noa! It’s Nora here from The Pod.
    Yeah, she would be very interesting to interview. I would probably talk to a woman who had an important role in history, like someone who allowed voting for women or someone who was a feminist. I have seen Harry Styles and Lorde, and will soon see Taylor Swift!!!
    Have you met any famous people?

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