My Creative writing

Hi bloggers in creative writing I started a story called Never ending knight this is the start I’ll have a post with some more next week enjoy .

Never ending night 

Silently Iris tiptoed through the passage of darkness not wanting to be discovered by Gwendolyn or any of  her followers! Just the fact that iris had gotten into the passage past the guards after curfew was unbelievable yet this was just the beginning of her journey to twilight Village . Gwendolyn didn’t sleep so neither would Iris she trudged on until she could see the glowing light at the end of the cave like passage then she sprinted to the end at first she was blinded by the light of the sun, but a few seconds later………..To be continued 

Hope you liked it if you’ve got any Ideas for the rest please comment them bye blog you later – Noa.

2 thoughts on “My Creative writing

  1. Kia ora Noa!
    I like your writing! I am excited to find out what happens next!
    Why is the character going on such an adveture?
    Who is the character avoiding and why?
    Have a good day,bye! From Maddy.

  2. Talofa Noa! Nevaeh here, I really like how you’ve posted some of your writing that you did in the creative writing. I love how you’ve put so much amazing words that not much people use and how you put “To be continued…”. I also love how you made up a village called Twilight village. Also if you want to name a place, village or a street you need to use a capital letter.(Just a reminder). I really like your piece of writing and I think you would do a really good book writer when your older. Keep up the amazing efffort. Tofa!

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